pengen ganti layout, layout ku uda ganti warna jadi item tapi masih aja plain banget, pengen ganti lagi deh -___-
tapi nyari layout ga ada yang bagus di pyzam. kasiannya diri ku. gasabar deh besok libur! waktunya jalan, yea beybeh :D
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
IT class.
lagi di IT class, tadi abis ulangan. sekarang lagi free, ulangan nya ga susah-susah banget sih tapi gabisa nomor 1. sitting between amelia n christy today, amandus ga masuk. yaudah deh. hehe.
aduh gile gokil ni facebook, LOLA abis. yang laen uda pada buka facebook aku masih nunggu dia log in -____-" sungguh ga seru! ya ga?
uda deh, males ngepost, gatau mo ngomong apaan. cuma tau besok LIBUR! yeah :D
aduh gile gokil ni facebook, LOLA abis. yang laen uda pada buka facebook aku masih nunggu dia log in -____-" sungguh ga seru! ya ga?
uda deh, males ngepost, gatau mo ngomong apaan. cuma tau besok LIBUR! yeah :D
libur lagi libur lagi, hatiku bahagia
gasabar gasabar n gasabar banget, soalnya hari jumat libur. UWYEAH.
bisa jalan - jalan deh, melepas sumpeknya dirumah. hehe. kita libur gara-gara guru-guru rekoleksi kalo ga salah, lupa deh. abis uda konsen ke kata 'LIBUR' n 'belajar dirumah' yang gabakalan deh aku kerjain. palingan ya aku cuma nonton tivi abis itu maen internet n ym-an ama maria (my dearest sista) hehehe. ga salah dong? kan libur! Enaknya sekolah charitas kalo uda kayak gini, tapi gaseru gara-gara sabtu nya masuk, jadi ga bisa nikmatin rasanya dirumah 2 hari n jalan-jalan terus. berhubungan mama lagi di jakarta. gatau juga sih kapan pulangnya, tapi yah gitudeh. ragu aku papaku mo nganterin apa kagak. dia kan strict banget jadi orang -___- sial. oiya, tadi gajadi nanyi, fiuh. tapi ada ulangan ips yang susahnya bukan maen ampe bikin ni kepala serasa mo meledak.DUAR pas belajar. ga isi skitar 15-an lebih abis kaga tau n amnesia tiba-tiba (aneh bukan?) ya, emang aneh. bener-bener bu Rosa kejamnya minta ampun ngasi ulangan ampe 45 soal, uda waktu nya dikit bener lagi, mending ampe istirahat, ini cuma 1 jam, dipotong belom lagi ngasihnya n si ibu mo ngasih pengumuman jadi nya ya dikurangin 5 menit n waktu si ibu lucu-lucu kan pada ga konsen tuh, yaga? yadong.
sekarang lagi mo ngirim foto ke amel, tadi aku ga sengaja ke delete pas mo ngopy, dicoba lagi eh ga bisa, tewaslah sudah -___- untungnya si amel bae besok mo foto lagi, kalo kaga kan uda aku yang di marahin yah? ampun bunda :(
hehehe. tadi baru aja upload 4 foto kalo ga salah, trus buka fb n noti ampe 30an lebih, gila ngaco ni orang pada bikin susah owe aje. tapi gapapa lah, niat baek mereka.
kadang kalo uda males ngepost ya ngepostnya pendek-pendek, tapi gatau kenapa hari ini lagi mood ato gimana ampe sebegini panjangnyaa. ahaha. uda pada ngomong ga penting-penting lagi.
okedeh, di udahin aja, pusing juga ntar orang-orang ngebacanyaa!
bisa jalan - jalan deh, melepas sumpeknya dirumah. hehe. kita libur gara-gara guru-guru rekoleksi kalo ga salah, lupa deh. abis uda konsen ke kata 'LIBUR' n 'belajar dirumah' yang gabakalan deh aku kerjain. palingan ya aku cuma nonton tivi abis itu maen internet n ym-an ama maria (my dearest sista) hehehe. ga salah dong? kan libur! Enaknya sekolah charitas kalo uda kayak gini, tapi gaseru gara-gara sabtu nya masuk, jadi ga bisa nikmatin rasanya dirumah 2 hari n jalan-jalan terus. berhubungan mama lagi di jakarta. gatau juga sih kapan pulangnya, tapi yah gitudeh. ragu aku papaku mo nganterin apa kagak. dia kan strict banget jadi orang -___- sial. oiya, tadi gajadi nanyi, fiuh. tapi ada ulangan ips yang susahnya bukan maen ampe bikin ni kepala serasa mo meledak.DUAR pas belajar. ga isi skitar 15-an lebih abis kaga tau n amnesia tiba-tiba (aneh bukan?) ya, emang aneh. bener-bener bu Rosa kejamnya minta ampun ngasi ulangan ampe 45 soal, uda waktu nya dikit bener lagi, mending ampe istirahat, ini cuma 1 jam, dipotong belom lagi ngasihnya n si ibu mo ngasih pengumuman jadi nya ya dikurangin 5 menit n waktu si ibu lucu-lucu kan pada ga konsen tuh, yaga? yadong.
sekarang lagi mo ngirim foto ke amel, tadi aku ga sengaja ke delete pas mo ngopy, dicoba lagi eh ga bisa, tewaslah sudah -___- untungnya si amel bae besok mo foto lagi, kalo kaga kan uda aku yang di marahin yah? ampun bunda :(
hehehe. tadi baru aja upload 4 foto kalo ga salah, trus buka fb n noti ampe 30an lebih, gila ngaco ni orang pada bikin susah owe aje. tapi gapapa lah, niat baek mereka.
kadang kalo uda males ngepost ya ngepostnya pendek-pendek, tapi gatau kenapa hari ini lagi mood ato gimana ampe sebegini panjangnyaa. ahaha. uda pada ngomong ga penting-penting lagi.
okedeh, di udahin aja, pusing juga ntar orang-orang ngebacanyaa!
Friday, September 25, 2009
let true love decide if we should be, together.
I'm sorry, i'm not perfect, i made mistakes, that's ppl.
but could you just understands me for a second? i need you to be right here beside me, not all the time. you know that i love you, i care for you, i don't want you to change a 100%, just your attitude, i don't like it. but it doesn't mean that i don't want you. no, don't think about it. i'm not writing this for you to think that i'm a drama queen or something. i try my best to make you happy, but you don't show it. i think i'm not the right one for you.
i'll try my best to forget you. and let everything passed, i know i can. and so do you, there are millions of guys there, out there, and not only you.
but could you just understands me for a second? i need you to be right here beside me, not all the time. you know that i love you, i care for you, i don't want you to change a 100%, just your attitude, i don't like it. but it doesn't mean that i don't want you. no, don't think about it. i'm not writing this for you to think that i'm a drama queen or something. i try my best to make you happy, but you don't show it. i think i'm not the right one for you.
i'll try my best to forget you. and let everything passed, i know i can. and so do you, there are millions of guys there, out there, and not only you.
I'm home bitches :D
HELLO bloggie, long time no post.
imissyou dear blogger.
btw, i'm home. hongkong was amazing, so many places to shop, many wonderful scenery and of course the prices was not as expensive as in singapore. it's like 1 time cheaper than in singapore. woot. and of course, i bought a LOTTA things, i bought bags, gladiators, dresses, t-shirts, watch, necklace and others. it's all vintage, well not all of it. half of it are vintage and the others are not. that's the good part. the bad part is, that i got so many homeworks. damnit. fuck. i hate homeworks, exams, test and others. it pissed me off. and now it's saturday and i'm not allowed to go, and i'm too lazy to do my homeworks. i text my friends but still, no reply. fvck isn't it? yea. it is. -___-
imissyou dear blogger.
btw, i'm home. hongkong was amazing, so many places to shop, many wonderful scenery and of course the prices was not as expensive as in singapore. it's like 1 time cheaper than in singapore. woot. and of course, i bought a LOTTA things, i bought bags, gladiators, dresses, t-shirts, watch, necklace and others. it's all vintage, well not all of it. half of it are vintage and the others are not. that's the good part. the bad part is, that i got so many homeworks. damnit. fuck. i hate homeworks, exams, test and others. it pissed me off. and now it's saturday and i'm not allowed to go, and i'm too lazy to do my homeworks. i text my friends but still, no reply. fvck isn't it? yea. it is. -___-
Saturday, September 19, 2009
kadang - kadang kalo uda keseringan ngeblog bosen juga yah.
aku uda gatau deh mo ngapain, ga sabar ke sing bareng - bareng ama sista - sista ku yang gelok semuaa :D
pasti seru deh!
jadi tambah gasabar nih, pengennya sih nginep, tapi besoknya minggu, terus besoknya senin, uda masuk deh.. Jadi gabisa :(
sedihnyaaa @@
hoho, tapi yang penting yah uda jalan juga uda seru.
sekarang lagi males banget ga ada kerjaan, ni internet lambat banget!
pengen gue bakar kadang sangking leletnya.
aku uda gatau deh mo ngapain, ga sabar ke sing bareng - bareng ama sista - sista ku yang gelok semuaa :D
pasti seru deh!
jadi tambah gasabar nih, pengennya sih nginep, tapi besoknya minggu, terus besoknya senin, uda masuk deh.. Jadi gabisa :(
sedihnyaaa @@
hoho, tapi yang penting yah uda jalan juga uda seru.
sekarang lagi males banget ga ada kerjaan, ni internet lambat banget!
pengen gue bakar kadang sangking leletnya.
you say that you love me.
so, i've been thinking for a while, about my future, about my life, about everything i need to do and i don't need to.
i'm not a bad, i'm not that naughty, but i'm playful. i don't do things i don't like, i say NO to everything i dislikes.
don't hate me and blame me because of that, if i've done something wrong, i'm sorry.
don't you know that nobody's perfect?
yea, i'm not, and so do you.
i just wanna say i'm sorry.
and, please, understand me.
so, i've been thinking for a while, about my future, about my life, about everything i need to do and i don't need to.
i'm not a bad, i'm not that naughty, but i'm playful. i don't do things i don't like, i say NO to everything i dislikes.
don't hate me and blame me because of that, if i've done something wrong, i'm sorry.
don't you know that nobody's perfect?
yea, i'm not, and so do you.
i just wanna say i'm sorry.
and, please, understand me.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I HATE MATHS AND PHYSICS, that two subject are really sickening.
i know i'm not good at math and physics, but i don't know why, even when i have already try to learn and understand it the result came with a disappointing mark. i don't know why, but when i do it i felt confident but after i saw the result i don't really sure what's happening.
i felt confident doing it, but the result is not good -,-"
well, who's not pissed with this?? WELL I AM.
okay okay, enough said about this whole subject, lets just enjoy our holiday and relax :)
i know i'm not good at math and physics, but i don't know why, even when i have already try to learn and understand it the result came with a disappointing mark. i don't know why, but when i do it i felt confident but after i saw the result i don't really sure what's happening.
i felt confident doing it, but the result is not good -,-"
well, who's not pissed with this?? WELL I AM.
okay okay, enough said about this whole subject, lets just enjoy our holiday and relax :)
HONGKONG, i'm coming.
aku uda ga sabar deh ke Hongkong. pasti seru banget ntar disana! ke disneyland maen - maen, wlopun uda pernah. tapi gapapalah, sekarang kan aku bisa mejeng ama si canella ku tercinta. YEY. aku bisa foto - foto smua bangunan yang ada di sudut kota hongkong. bisa foto - foto smuanya deh.. abis pulang aku kasih tau ya perkembangan disana gimana.
OK bloggey?
aku uda ga sabar deh ke Hongkong. pasti seru banget ntar disana! ke disneyland maen - maen, wlopun uda pernah. tapi gapapalah, sekarang kan aku bisa mejeng ama si canella ku tercinta. YEY. aku bisa foto - foto smua bangunan yang ada di sudut kota hongkong. bisa foto - foto smuanya deh.. abis pulang aku kasih tau ya perkembangan disana gimana.
OK bloggey?
i'm not ready dude.
don't you know that i'm not ready?
i'm not ready to go throught all of this?
that my feelings is not 100% for you?
don't you realize that i'm not like the other girls who can date with guys who they don't like or they have no feelings at all!
i'm sorry, i'm not perfect, you have to know that.
i don't wanna be like them, i don't wanna make the same mistake.
please understand me,
i'm not ready to go throught all of this?
that my feelings is not 100% for you?
don't you realize that i'm not like the other girls who can date with guys who they don't like or they have no feelings at all!
i'm sorry, i'm not perfect, you have to know that.
i don't wanna be like them, i don't wanna make the same mistake.
please understand me,
i've done something wrong today, god, how i wish i could due over everything.
i just felt pity for him, nothing more.
AH. fuck.
how i wish i can due over everything.
i just felt pity for him, nothing more.
AH. fuck.
how i wish i can due over everything.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
perasaan blog ku plain banget ya.
Plain banget yah blog ku, layoutnya aja putih, abis ga ada layout yang bagus sih.
gatau deh mo ngepost apa, lagi di IT class, boring juga deh lama2.
mo ngepost yang panjang tapi ga ada ide -_-"
blom ada inspirasi.
gatau deh mo ngepost apa, lagi di IT class, boring juga deh lama2.
mo ngepost yang panjang tapi ga ada ide -_-"
blom ada inspirasi.
IT class.
im in IT class now, i love IT subject. it's all about internet for example :
- facebook
- blogger
- friendster (well, haven't use this since like last year, can you believe that??)
and of course i can open my twitter and facebook freely.
tomorrow im gonna have my social studies exam, and that's not kool at all. -_-"
im in IT class now, i love IT subject. it's all about internet for example :
- blogger
- friendster (well, haven't use this since like last year, can you believe that??)
and of course i can open my twitter and facebook freely.
tomorrow im gonna have my social studies exam, and that's not kool at all. -_-"
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
hello :D
hello :D
i'm in IT class right now, sitting beside wiseley.
well, it's free so i guess i can do anything :)
i'm in IT class right now, sitting beside wiseley.
well, it's free so i guess i can do anything :)
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